We’re so glad you’re interested in visiting BPC!

Whether church is new to you, or a part of your weekly rhythm, we’d love to see you on a Sunday.
Check out the details below to learn what to expect as you plan your visit.


Getting HERE

Our church building is located right in the heart of downtown Bellefonte, PA overlooking Spring Creek and Tallyrand Park.

You can enter through either of the red doors located on the right or left towers of the main sanctuary building or come in through the glass doors at the top of the ramp between the sanctuary and the chapel.


Our service starts at 10am and runs until about 11:15am. But definitely plan to stick around for cookies and coffee afterward, we’d love to get to know you!

The service revolves around the gospel and our desire to both encourage one another and praise the Lord together as a body. We hope that the service serves as an opportunity for us to practice what it looks like to worship God throughout the week.


Our music team cultivates a mix of traditional hymns and more contemporary worship songs, all thoughtfully chosen to align with the gospel and that week’s sermon.


As a response to hearing from God’s word, Communion is served each week at the conclusion of the sermon. Wine and grape juice are available as well as a gluten-free bread option.

All repentant believers saved by grace through faith are invited to participate. If you have any questions about communion, please connect with one of our leaders after the service.


At BPC we love families because God loves families! We welcome children in our services and you’ll see kids of all ages in our pews. If your kiddos need something to do, make sure to grab a children’s bulletin on your way in.

We know that sometimes kids can be noisy and that’s totally ok! If you’d like to keep your child in the service, but need somewhere to be besides your pew. You’ll find a secret cabinet of quiet toys in the back of the center pew section.

While we don’t currently staff a nursery during the service, we do have one available with audio from the service piped in. Just head out the front right sanctuary door, turn right, and keep heading down the hall until you see it on your left. You’ll find a changing table, nursing chairs, and plenty of toys!

If you’re looking for even more opportunities for your children to grow in their love and knowledge of God, be sure to come early at 9am and join us for Sunday School!